ABSF Strategic Plan to be released in February

ABSF Strategic Plan to be released in February

January 23 2024

Engagement was key to developing the strategic plan

The ABSF is preparing to release its first Strategic Plan at a meeting of the Consultative Committee in February.

The Strategic Plan has been developed through a series of industry consultations with the Sustainability Steering Group (SSG), peak industry councils, and the Consultative Committee to provide a strategic framework which will guide the implementation of the ABSF and set its direction until 2030.

Animal health and welfare had already been identified, through the materiality assessment process, as the most highly material sustainability priority for the Australian beef industry. As such, the ABSF prioritises reporting and tracking performance in this area. The quantification of on-farm practices, and the measurement of changes over time, offers the opportunity to drive refinements and improve uptake of sustainable welfare initiatives, better inform investment decisions and the design of programs.

SSG Chair, Mark Davie, said rigorous and transparent reporting also drives investment in the sector, offering compelling evidence for successful market access negotiations.

“The signals we send to customers and consumers are key to our success as an industry,” Mr Davie said.

“The release of the Strategic Plan is a milestone moment for the ABSF as it provides an important sense of collective direction and projects our values to those who are engaging with us.

“In developing the Strategic Plan, we also undertook an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as we approach the significant year that is 2030. This really helped to define our focus areas.

“The process doesn’t stop here either. I am looking forward to engaging further with our stakeholders to ensure we continue to develop the ABSF and build upon the great foundation we have laid down so far.”

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E: jbetros@mla.com.au
